world travellers in the world

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Hell's gate,Rotorua,NZ

Kakahi fall in Hell's gate
later I had mud bath which is good for yer skin .

around High street,central Auckland,New Zealand

some wicked clothe shops in high street also a nice internet cafe there too.

not far from Shortland street and Queen sreet

Auckland,New Zeland

central Auckland from Kelly Tarlton's Antarctic encounter & Underwater world
central Auckland from Kelly Tarlton's Antarctic encounter & Underwater world again
Sky tower from Queen street near I Max(metro)
Queen street from Aotea square
Sky tower from between Queen st and wellesley st.
Town hall, central Auckland. Luckily it was very nice day, no rain.
the Edge(flea market) (every Friday,Saturday) in Aotea just around Town Hall.